I was browsing at Goodwill one day when I saw a bag of plastic bowling pins for $3. I knew I had a Wii Bowling tournament coming up and hadn't even thought of the trophies. I knew immediately what I was going to do with them.
Wii Bowling Trophies!!!!!!
Went to Wal-Mart and bought spray paint in Gold, Silver and Carmel Latte (supposed to look bronze)
Using Mod Podge I coated the head of the bowling pin and sprinkled glitter on it. The only bad thing about dealing with glitter is no matter what you use to adhere the glitter to whatever surface, some glitter will still fall off. So I used a gloss sealent spray to really make sure the glitter stays on the plastic bowling pin. I used black acrylic paint to draw the numbers on. DONE!
I sprayed the plastic bowling pins (2 coats).
Yeah it requires more technique to play like golf... Bowling awards online tennis pro up in here